onsdag den 26. september 2012

Clean sweep for Kennel My Alaskan

The Danish Polar Breed Club has held its first double Club show – named the  Polar Gold Cup.
The aim was to make this event special in every way – and it certainly was. Breeds attending was Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Samoyed Dog and Greenland Dog.

Judges: the club had invited 2 experienced breed specialists.

Bob Eisele from the US – whom is a board member in the American Sibirian Husky Club since 2000 and is an active and successful breeder of Sibirian Huskies for more than 30 years.

Pierluigi Buratti from Italy – whom besides from breeding Samojeds for more than 30 years also acts as the Italian Sleddog Clubs representative in  FCI’s Sled Dog Commission.

The Alaskan Malamutes had a rather large entry of 65 dogs both days – from babies 3-6 months til Veteran Class.

As something new the club had also invited the Danish Weight Pull Club – to come and introduce our breed to this sport. They brought in a wagon and harnesses. This was the first time these guys experienced Alaskan Malamute pulling powers – and they were VERY impressed. Most of our dogs pulled more than 15 times their body weight – and as a NOVICE  pull they would have earned their the first leg for the AMCA working dog title if they had pulled competitively. So that is very nice!



The Club show ended Sunday afternoon with a Supreme BIS Win – This years winer was a Sibirian Husky.

The Alaskan Malamute winners were:

Judge Pierluigi Buratti: BOB My Alaskan Polar Quest and BOS My Alaskan Winter Dream

Judge Bob Eisele: BOB DKCH. Juneau´s Drifting Ice and BOS DKCH. My Alaskan Winter Dream

our babies whom are now 6 months did also do very well and had lots of fun

At the double show in the Danish Polar Breed Club My Alaskan Winter Dream became Best Of Opposite both days in a large entry – becoming new Danish Champion and winning her first Club CAC

Not Outdone by her brother My Alaskan Polar Quest taking BOB on saturday and taking res.best male on Sunday and  My Alaskan Icy Cougar going 3. best male on saturday (not shown on sunday)

But our biggest brag though has to be about DKCH Snocribs Aniu Ò Onak – this was the first time we did a progeny group with Aniu – and she won it.  We are very proud of this girl – with only two litters since 2008 - she produced:  9 champions, 1 international champion and 2 Best in Show Winners


Our latest addition to the kennel My Alaskan Breaking Trail has also had a very succesfull start in the show ring....and wins Reserve Best in Show Baby at international show in Danish Club Vejen over a large entry of babies.

we are very excited about his future - but we are also very excited about the fact that our kennel has succeded in motivation our puppy buyers to be good and responsible Alaskan Malamute owners - providing our dogs good homes with a lot of love and activity.
Winning prizes is nice and as a breeder it is a huge compliment -  but it is the fact that our pups grows up to be sound and happy dogs that gives us the biggest thrill of all. 

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