lørdag den 14. maj 2011

FCI WINNER SHOW in Dortmund May 2011

My Alaskan Icy Cougar aka Enzo and My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife did us proud at this prestigeous show.

At age only 13 month they brought home 2 tittles

My Alaskan Icy Cougar aka Enzo FCI Jahrhundertjugendsieger & VDH Europajugendsieger 2011
My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife VDH Europajugendsieger 2011

As if this wasn´t enoug - Enzo also took BOB both days over some really great dogs + was shotlisted both days in the ring of honor - we are amazed of this boys achievements at such young age - a big heart felt thank you goes to his owners Jeannette and Jacob who provide the best care and perfect training - giving this boy all he needs to shine.

My Alaskan Icy Cougar aka Enzo BOB and new VDH Junior Champion

My Alaskan Icy Cougar

My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife

My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife VDH Europajugendsieger 2011

Team on this show was Jeanette and Camilla we had a great time - meeting up with really sweet people
Senay and Vincenzo and Camilla

double Sieger

Enzo in the ring of honor

we drink champagne ofcourse :-)

the back stage babes

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