My Alaskan Icy Cougar aka Enzo and My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife did us proud at this prestigeous show.
At age only 13 month they brought home 2 tittles
My Alaskan Icy Cougar aka Enzo FCI Jahrhundertjugendsieger & VDH Europajugendsieger 2011
My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife VDH Europajugendsieger 2011
As if this wasn´t enoug - Enzo also took BOB both days over some really great dogs + was shotlisted both days in the ring of honor - we are amazed of this boys achievements at such young age - a big heart felt thank you goes to his owners Jeannette and Jacob who provide the best care and perfect training - giving this boy all he needs to shine.
My Alaskan Icy Cougar aka Enzo BOB and new VDH Junior Champion |
My Alaskan Icy Cougar |
My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife |
My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife VDH Europajugendsieger 2011
Team on this show was Jeanette and Camilla we had a great time - meeting up with really sweet people
Senay and Vincenzo and Camilla
double Sieger
Enzo in the ring of honor
we drink champagne ofcourse :-)
the back stage babes