mandag den 12. september 2011

we believe in the versatile Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan  Malamutes is commonly known as sled dogs  - meaning they were originally breed as hauling freight animals for the inuits in Alaska.
Later on they were used for the recreational pursuit of sledding, also known as mushing, as well as for skijoring, bikejoring, and canicross.

However, just because they possess the ability to pull a sled - it does not mean that they cant take pleasure in other activities - and even show high performance skills in those as well.

We strongly believe in encouraging our puppy owners to do a lot of different acitivities with their dog(s)
like rally obedience agility back packing and tracking - this will stimulate this highly intelligente breed and make it an even greater joy to live with.

here are pictures from some of our own dogs and dogs we bred

My Alaskan Winter Dream doing agility

My Alaskan Winter Dream aka Aoife

Bo and Nuna on tracking

Enzo backpacking

My Alaskan Arctic Fireball aka Kaiyuh doing Rally

Chinuq and Aoife