Use fresh herbs when possible
Persille – husk at dette ikke må genvarmes
Parsley rids the body of bladder and kidney infections, cleanses the blood, operates as a blood thinner, builds the immune system, prevents cancer and improves stomach and liver functions. Although parsley shouldn't be used while animals are nursing, it's beneficial to help dogs stop lactating and to treat afterbirth pains. Parsley is rich in vitamins, potassium and other minerals. Once or twice a week, parsley can be added to your dog's daily meals. This will cleanse the kidneys and help fight disease.
Lidt hvidløg
Garlic has many health enhancing effects such as aiding digestion, eliminating internal and external parasites, stimulating immune functions and increasing killer cell activity, lowering blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and acting as a a tonic for the cardiovascular system. Fresh garlic also has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Holistic veterinarians have been recommending garlic for many years for its multiple health benefits.
Lidt kanel
Cinnamon is good for the heart as its calcium and fiber content is effective in fighting heart diseases. Cinnamon is noted to improve blood circulation because of its blood thinning compound content. With regular consumption, the chances of canine heart disorders will be significantly reduced. Moreover, with good blood circulation, the supply of oxygen to the different cells of the body is ensured giving the dog the capability for higher metabolic activity. As mentioned, cinnamon has antifungal and antibacterial properties thus it is highly effective in dealing with external and internal infections.
Lidt tranebær
Some dogs, particularly females, can be prone to urinary tract infections. These can be just as uncomfortable for dogs as they are for people, and prevention is the key. Cranberry on a regular basis can prevent the bacteria that cause urinary tract infection
Tilskud af ølgær/brewers yeast
Brewer's Yeast - Nutritional yeast has long been a staple health food substance for pets and people. Brewer's yeast is known as an excellent source of amino acids and B-complex vitamins, which assist in skin and tissue repair, help maintain proper nerve functioning, and support a healthy response to stress.
Køb evt. Dette produkt Prima Pels hos materialister og helsekostforretninger.
Gode ting at give fra fryseren
Lammekallun/green tripe – rig på vitaminer – god for fordøjelsen.
Tripe is the stomach of ruminating animals. These animals (i.e. cattle, buffalo, sheep, deer, goats, antelope, etc.) are classified as being four-footed, hooved, cud chewing mamals with a stomach that consists of four chambers. The four chambers of such a stomach are known as the rumen, reticulum, omasum and the abomasum. The food the animal eats (i.e. grass, hay) is swallowed unchewed and passes into the rumen and reticulum where it is then regurgitated, chewed and mixed with saliva. It is again swallowed and then passed through the reticulum and omasum into the abomasum, where it is then further broken down by the gastric juices, amino acids and other digestive enzymes. Yummy!
So how can something so disgusting, be so good? These same gastric juices and enzymes not only aid the animal in digestion, but also aid the dog in digesting and efficiently utilizing his food. The amino acids are necessary for muscular development and, the other gastric juices, I believe, are the best cleaner for their teeth!
In an analysis of a sample of green tripe by a Woodson-Tenant Lab in Atlanta, Georgia, it was discovered that the calcium:phosphorous ratio is 1:1, the overall pH is on the acidic side which is better for digestion, protein is 15.1, fat 11.7 and it contained the essential fatty acids, Linoleic and Linolenic, in their recommended proportions. Also discovered, was the presence of Lactic Acid Bacteria. Lactic Acid Bacteria, also known as Lactobacillus Acidophilus, is the good intestinal bacteria. It is the main ingredient in probiotics.
Finally, because of it’s rubbery texture, serving it in large chunks also aids the canine in strengthening it’s jaw muscles and has an added benefit as a form of canine dental floss
Chose sources from GRASSFED and ORGANIC animals that are USDA inspected and passed for Human Consumption. They are antibiotic free and no hormones have been added.
Rensdyr og hjort
Nogle mener, at hjort kan være hårdt for maven at fordøje, men er nok et af de dyr, som indeholder mest essentielle fedtsyrer pga af levevilkår (naturlig føde fra skoven). Rensdyr lever af lav, som jo er naturlig penicillin, så mange sløje hunde kan fungere rigtig godt på rensdyr. Begge dele er super sund mad; nok de mest autentiske kødsorter vi har. (modsat vores græssende dyr, som kommer på stald om vinteren)